Decorative fillets add character to your matting. Wondering how to use frame fillets? Our step-by-step guide will tell and show you how, with easy-to-follow photos and instructions. Read more.
Step 1
First, cut a reverse bevel on your mat’s window. If you are working from fillets in lengths, begin by cutting them to the size of your mat’s window by using the Fillet Cutting Shears.
Step 2
Apply fillet tape to the flange on the back of each section. Press the tape down and then peel up the brown release paper to expose the other side of the double-sided adhesive.
Step 3
Adhere the flange of the fillet to the back of the mat.
Step 4
The decorated edge of the fillet becomes the edge of the mat’s window.
Step 5
Assemble the next edge of the fillet to the adjoining edge of the window so the miters fit to form a corner.
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