Wholesale purchases are for sticks of moulding varying in lengths from 3 ft to 6 ft and adding up to a total of 95-100 feet. Our 100 foot packages are shipped based on the stock lengths available in our warehouse. Moulding may be stocked in 8, 9 or 9.5 foot sticks. Sticks longer than 7 feet cannot be shipped without incurring substantial oversize charges from FedEx, so the moulding has to be cut before shipping. How we cut it will depend on the length of the original stick.
For example, if the stick is 9 foot long, we will typically cut it to 5 ft and 4 ft, since this gives you the maximum usable lengths. If we were to cut it to 6 ft and 3 ft, this would be less advantageous since 3 feet is a less usable length.
We will do our best to fill the majority of your 100 feet in the most usable lengths possible. Rest assured that there is color consistency between sticks.
By purchasing 95-100 feet of a style, you get a wholesale discount of 15-30% Learn More